Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Family Time!

Back in Oregon after an extended holiday weekend!  Our whole family was in the same zip code for three days, which was a real treat. We had the opportunity to join G, our oldest, in an entire weekend filled with graduation festivities at his college. Of course we’re singing Hallelujahs that he’s got a college degree--and a plan! 
We sat under a blazing bright Minnesota sky on Sunday afternoon and watched him stand before his class to deliver the graduation speech. Despite being sick (we didn't realize just how sick until after graduation), he hit a bullseye: brief, funny, and poignant. Of course we’re super proud parents of our college grad, but what I wasn’t prepared for was how that kid became that man in such a short time. Geez.
G is home with us just long enough to get ready for his next amazing adventure as a science teacher in rural Mississippi.  He wants to be a part of the effort to close the achievement gap for kids in poverty. So, he’s diving in and getting it done.  Go get ‘em,, man...but first, let’s take care of that pneumonia you’ve been working on for the last week.
The long ride of parenthood continues...


Jessica said...

Way to go "G"! Get better soon!

Unknown said...

Proud family !I am happy for you ,and what a great memory for all!

Marilynn said...

WHAT AN EXCITING TIME!!! Congratulations Geoff. Can hardly wait to see you. Hope you are feeling much better. Love, Grandma & Grandpa Carlisle