Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day One

On Day One of every new year we’re encouraged to create new goals for ourselves, become more organized, get skinny, and stuff like that. I probably should have been hitting the stores to buy totes and planners and Dr. Oz cookbooks.

But today the Willamette Valley was awash in sunshine. Quite a contrast to the slushy stuff that pelted our faces yesterday and made visibility a problem. Sorry, Dr. Oz.  You just got trumped by Mother Nature.

Today you could see as far as the mountains allowed, in every direction. The cold dry air made it a spectacular day for riding out on some country roads out south of town.

Winter birds were quite entertaining, and I encountered several folks with high-powered cameras who had to have come away with some amazing shots.

I think my goal for 2013 will be to remember that days like today are gifts, not to be missed.

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